The Family Support Registry (FSR) is Colorado's centralized collection and disbursement unit for processing child support and maintenance payments. It is not affiliated with our office. Your child support will be paid through the Family support Registry even if you have not applied for our services. If your child support is being paid by your employer through an income assignment, payments are sent to the FSR.
The Family Support Registry (FSR) Account Number
A unique FSR account number is assigned to each child support case to process payments. This account number is mailed to the parties shortly after a support order is established. It is important to include this account number with each payment and have this account number available any time the FSR is contacted.
Making Payments by Check or Money Order
Remember to provide your FSR account number on your check or money order. This allows for fast and correct processing of your payment. If you do not have your FSR account number, please provide the following information to identify your account:
Do not send cash. Send payments to:
The Family Support Registry
P.O. Box 2171
Denver, CO 80201
All payments are processed within two business days of receipt. Please allow 2-3 business days for mail delivery.
Other Payment Options
Recurring Automatic Withdrawal - This option allows non-custodial parents to pre-authorize the FSR to withdraw the child support payment directly from a bank account. The withdrawal is made according to the desired frequency.
Receiving child Support Payments
The FSR offers the following payment options to receive a child support payment:
- Mail a check to your home
- Direct Deposit - allows the FSR to directly deposit a payment into your bank account
- Rella-Card - is a Visa card where child-support payments are loaded automatically. This card can be used anywhere that Visa is accepted, including ATM machines worldwide.
Please contact the Family Support Registry Customer Service Unit at 303.299.9123 or 1.800.374.6558 or email for more information on the various payment-related options.