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Colorado Master Gardener Fall 2017 Program
The Colorado Master Gardener program in Adams County is accepting applications for fall 2017 evening classes. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6–9 p.m., Sept. 26–Nov. 30. Master Gardeners are part of the outreach program of Colorado State University Extension; a statewide network including Master Gardeners and CSU faculty and staff who provide lifelong educational programs for all Coloradans in their local communities using research-based information. Contact the Colorado State University Extension office in Adams County at 303.637.8100 or email Cassey Anderson at [email protected] for the application. The deadline for submitting your application is Aug. 18. Applicants will go through a formal interview process and a background check, so don’t delay! There is a non-volunteer option for a higher course fee.